World Champions (that we know of) that were taught by their parents are as follows...
Colm O Sé - 11 titles - Scoil Rince Uí Shé, Dublin (parents Seamus and Aine, dancing siblings Dara, Cormac and maybe others)
Daire O Nualláin - 2 - Uí Nualláin, Limerick (parents Tony and Rose, brother Cian)
Brian Grant - 3 - Grant, Ontario
Cian O Nualláin - 4 - Uí Nualláin, Limerick (parents Tony and Rose, brother Daire)
Pat Roddy - 2 - Uí Rodaígh, Dundalk
Dean Crouch - 2 - Claddagh, Essex (mother Pauline, sister Donna)
Ronan McCutcheon - 6 - Setanta/McCutcheon (parents James and Noreen, also taught by Caroline Greene, sister Ciara)
Ciaran Plummer - 2 - Plummer, Ontario (father Ron)
John Mullane-Godley - 1 - Mullane-Healy-Godley, Illinois
Emer ní Mhaoileidigh - 1 - Inis Ealga, Dublin (father Maitiu O Mhaoileidigh)
Dara ní Shé - 1 - Scoil Rince Uí Shé, Dublin (parents Seamus and Aine, dancing siblings Colm, Cormac and maybe others)
Aoife Curley - 5 - Oirialla, Dundalk (father Francis)
Niamh Roddy - 1 - Uí Rodaígh, Dundalk
Leona McCarron - 2 - McCarron, Birmingham (parents Kevin and Helena, dancing siblings Sinead, Siobhan and Niall)
Róisín Turley-Gibbons - 5 - Turley, Coventry (mother Marion, sister Sinead)
Tara McConomy-Hegarty - 1 - McConomy, Derry (mother Elizabeth, aunt Rosetta)
Elan McConomy-Bradley - 4 - McConomy, Derry (mother Rosetta, aunt Elizabeth)
Ellie Maguire - 3 - Maguire-O'Shea, London (parents Michael and Kathleen, siblings Darren, Katie, Sean, Michael and Ciaran)
Sinéad McLaughlin - 1 - McLaughlin, Glasgow (parents James and Kathleen)
Sinéad Ellis - 1 - Sean Eireann McMahon, England (mother Rosemary, sister Natasha)
Ashley Smith - 3 - Smith-Houlihan, Boston (parents Michael and Noreen, brother Cian)
Etain Mulvenna - 1 - Mulvenna, Belfast (taught by mother and aunt - Deborah and Brenda, not sure which is which, apologies!)
Nicole Zepcevski - 1 - Aisling, Australia (mother Geraldine)
Caoimhe ní Bhaoláin - 1 - Ní Chearra O Baoláin (parents Peter and Breda, brother Daire)